Thursday, June 23, 2011

Ohmigod! Legally Blonde!

Wow. Legally Blonde. What a way to start a season!
From the moment that the opening number began, we knew it would be a high-energy, fun show, and boy, did they deliver. It ran until 10:45 but that time wizzed right by with singing, dancing, and red bull. Lauren Ashley Zarkin was a terrific lead as Elle, holding the spotlight with amazing ease. Lisa Howard as Paulette and Colt Prattes, the UPS guy nearly stole the show, if it weren't for such great performances all around. 
Nikki Snelson, as the defendant fitness guru, still has me in shock over being able to sing and jump rope at the same time. 
D.B. Bonds, the leading man Emmett, was lovable and believable.
The greek chorus sorority girls had the whole audience laughing in their seats.

In fact, there was not a scene that went by without laughter and applause, which is a tip of the hat to the cast, crew, and writers. 

I will be more than happy to see this show on the Muny stage again!

-No Rain Drops
-Five out of Five